Aquaculture Studies
2015, Vol 15, Num, 1 (Pages: 067-072)
Relationship Between Otolith Length and Fish Length of Shiraz Barb (Capoeta umbl, Heckel, 1843 in İkizce Stream (Sırnak).
2 Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Deniz Bilimleri ve Teknolojisi Fakültesi İskenderun-HATAY DOI : 10.17693/yunusae.v15i21955.235745 Viewed : 3312 - Downloaded : 2284 In this study, the relationships between otolith length (OL) - total length (TL), otolith width (OW) - total length (TL), otolith length (OL) – otolith width (OW) were examined for Shiraz barb [Capoeta umbla (Heckel, 1843)] in the İkizce Stream. The fish samples were collected by nets in February - March 2014 from the İkizce stream in Sırnak. A total of 76 specimens (15 female and 61 male) provided otolith samples for analysis. Relationship between total length and otolith length were determined as y=0,0565x +1,1008 (r=0,6602), relationship between total length and otolith width were determined as y=0,0651x +0,4226 (r=0,6504) and relationship between otolith length and otolith width were determined as y=0,7614x +0,0602 (r=0,8268). There was not significant differences between right and left otolith biometry (ANOVA p>0.05). Keywords : Shiraz barb, Capoeta umbla, otolith, Ýkizce Stream, Sırnak