Aquaculture Studies 2013, Vol 13, Num, 3     (Pages: 011-019)

Mollusca Species of Down Sakarya River (Karasu) and Some Physico-Chemical Variables Effecting Their Abundance


1 İstanbul Üniversitesi, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, Ordu Cad. No :200 34470 Laleli / İstanbul DOI : 10.17693/yunusae.v2013i21904.235413 Viewed : 3530 - Downloaded : 2333 In this study, the mollusca fauna and their seasonal variation with some physical and chemical properties of Down Sakarya River were investigated during the period of January 2008–October 2008. The mollusca fauna of the river consists of a total of 11 species, 8 of which belong to Gastropoda, two Prosobanchia (Viviparus viviparus, Bithynia tentaculata), six Pulmonata (Physella acuta, Galba truncatula, Radix labiata, Lymnaeaa stagnalis, Planorbarius corneus and Planorbis planorbis) and three Bivalvia (Unio pictorum, Dreissena polymorpha, Anadonta cygnea). Also some physico-chemical variables of collecting sites (water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, NO --N, NO -N) were given. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) species relationships with 3 2 - environmental factors (95.9 %) were examined. Species and some environmental variables of collecting sites were recorded in Region for the first time. Keywords : Bivalvia, Ecology Gastropoda, Water Quality