Aquaculture Studies
2015, Vol 15, Num, 3 (Pages: 021-029)
Otolith biometry – Fish Length Relationship in Barbus grypus Heckel,1843 Inhabiting Keban Dam Lake (Elazığ, Turkey)
Mustafa DÜŞÜKCAN 1 , Metin ÇALTA 2 ,Mücahit EROĞLU 3
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In this study, the relationships between total fish length and sagittal otolith size (length, width and weight) of a total 90 specimens belonging to the population of Barbus grypus Heckel, 1843 inhabiting Keban Dam Lake were examined. The otolith lengths, widths and weights (minimum-maximum ±standard deviation) were determined as 2.56-3.76 ±0.22 mm, 1.66-2.56 ±0.18 mm and 5.2-12.5 ±1.27 mg, respectively. Total lengths of the fishes were found as 377-699 ±53.5 mm. In addition, a high positive linear correlation was detected between the otolith size and total length of fishes.
Keywords :
Barbus grypus,Otolith size,Total length,Keban Dam Lake