Aquaculture Studies 2015, Vol 15, Num, 3     (Pages: 065-072)

Research and Restoration of the Essential Filters of the Sea

Ertuğ DUZGUNES 1 ,Hacer SAĞLAM 2

DOI : 10.17693/yunusae.v15i21957.235775 Viewed : 3221 - Downloaded : 1781 The Black Sea is very fragile ecosystem and has its own ecological problems related to human activities. It is one of the most isolated sea which has connection to the Mediterranean with narrow and shallow Turkish Straits system. These problems are more acute than those in open marginal seas having a free water exchange with the oceans:

- massive pre-fertilization of Black Sea with nitrogen and phosphorus compounds known as `anthropogenic eutrophication`,
- disposal of insufficient purified waste waters,
- degradation of bottom algal communities,
- oxygen deficiency in near-bottom water layers
- unmanaged fisheries, overfishing and lack of sufficient control mechanisms,

- invasive species,
- lack of information and economic difficulties,
- human made construction on the coasts (such as roads, ports, landfills)

Due to support ecosystem artificial reefs may play an important role in the Black Sea. This is the basic reason for the creation of the project `Research and Restoration of the Essential Filters of the Sea (REEFS)` project supported by EU under The Black Sea Join Operational Program. Keywords : REEFS Project,The Black Sea,artificial reefs,biodiversity,indicators