Aquaculture Studies 2014, Vol 14, Num, 2     (Pages: 071-091)

Studies to understand Ecosystem Responses of Heavy Metals using indicator organisms of the Black Sea

Levent BAT 1 ,Oylum GÖKKURT BAKİ 2 ,Elif KARAKAŞ 1 ,Ayşah VİŞNE 1 ,Çağlayan OKKAY 1

1 Sinop Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Temel Bilimler Bölümü 57000 Sinop
2 Sinop Üniversitesi Meslek Yüksekokulu Çevre Sağlığı Programı 57000 Sinop
DOI : 10.17693/ Viewed : 3342 - Downloaded : 3191 The European Parliament published in the field of Marine Environment Policy Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), ecological quality and integrity in estuarine, the coastal and open ocean systems, has been developed to protect and restore. MSFD is based on the principle of ecosystem-based management takes into account all pressures of the seas and approaches to the sea regionally. The purpose of the directive in the EU by 2020 is to ensure Good Environmental Status of the seas (GES). In particular Bulgaria and Romania after they join the European Union countries, the Black Sea has become important for Europe. The Black Sea is one of the unique in the world an inland sea connected to the small Sea of Marmara by the narrow Bosporus Strait; Strait of Dardanelles further connects to the Aegean Sea. For this reason, there is very little natural circulation is self-cleaning ability remains limited. Turkey poured into the Black Sea off the coast of the Sakarya, Kýzýlýrmak, Yeþilýrmak, from the West, the Danube, from the North Dnieper and Dniester Rivers with a million tons of organic waste into the Black Sea basin are carrying the item and other terrestrial origin. One of the important pollutants due to heavy metals toxic property of natural concentrations of negatively affecting the ecosystem when they take on the biological activities of the organisms that make up the food chain, the balance between biota and the environment corruption and adversely affects the people at the top of the food chain. This review covers the studies of heavy metals has been using the indicator organisms of the Black Sea to understand the ecosystem response. The results of the studies discussed and made suggestions. Keywords : Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Black Sea, indicator species