Aquaculture Studies 2015, Vol 15, Num, 4     (Pages: 045-048)

A new fish species in the Middle Black Sea coastal area; Serranus hepatus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Mehmet AYDIN 1

DOI : 10.17693/yunusae.v15i21958.235779 Viewed : 3367 - Downloaded : 1838 Serranus hepatus from Serranidae family is a well-known fish species of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. The first record of this fish in the Black Sea environment had been published in 2013 in the vicinity of Bosphorus Strait and followed by another occurrence in 2014 from Bulgarian coast. In this study; a sample of this fish species with 11.2 cm TL and 24.6 g weight, from the coast of Middle Black Sea Region (Ordu), is reported where some of its metric and meristic characters are presented. Keywords : Serranus hepatus,Ordu Middle Black Sea