Aquaculture Studies
2015, Vol 15, Num, 2 (Pages: 045-057)
Fish Consumption Preferences of Consumers in Trabzon, Turkey
Gülsüm MISIR 1 , Sebahattin KUTLU 2 ,Hasan AYYILDIZ 3
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This study was carried out by the aim of achieving a good knowledge on the fish consumption habits and preferences and determining motives and barriers for fish consumption of consumers living in Trabzon Province of Turkey. A comprehensive and simple questionnaire (27 questions) was developed and asked total 390 individuals from June to December 2013. Respondents provided demographic data and fish consumption patterns towards frequencies, average meal portion wild, farmed fish preferences, etc. In relation with these questions it was established some hypotheses to evaluate, how demographic properties of participants effected on the fish consumption patterns. Only 0.8% of participants stated that they never consume fish. The most frequent reasons for this were `no fish consumption habit`, `bad smell`, `dislike of family members`. Per capita fish consumption was calculated as 23kg/year. The first priorities for wild aquaculture fish species were anchovy (64.6%), and trout (64.9%) respectively. The consumption in coastal districts was higher than inland districts. There was a significant difference, (P<0.005) between settlements on satisfaction level of fish consumption; participants from coastal settlements stated `my satisfaction level is very good` or `good`, participants from inland settlements `good or mediocre`
Keywords :
Fish, consumer preferences, questionnaire, Trabzon