Aquaculture Studies
2013, Vol 13, Num, 3 (Pages: 033-037)
Determination of in Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Some Vegetable Oils for Fish Pathogens Vibrio anguillarum and Lactococcus garvieae
Pınar YILDIRIM 1 ,Aysegül KUBİLAY 1 ,Sefik GÜNEY 1
1 Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, Yetiştiricilik Bölümü Çünür/ISPARTA
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In this study, plant oils of Hypericum perforatum, Sesamum indicum, Nigella sative were investigated for their in vitro antibacterial
activity against Vibrio anguillarum and Lactococcus garvieae. Antibacterial activity was found to show with oil of Nigella sative. It
was determined formed on the diameter of inhibition (inhibition zone: 18 mm) of the oil against Vibrio anguillarum and Lactococcus
garvieae pathogens. Plant oils of Hypericum perforatum, Sesamum indicum were not found the antibacterial effect against the
bacterial fish pathogens. Antibacterial and immunostimulant feature of this plant is known to be therapeutic for human health in many
disease also we were found to be effective against fish pathogens. As a result of the studies, Nigella sative oil were determined to be
potentially be used in treatment against vibriosis and lactococcosis.
Keywords :
Nigella sative, medicinal plants, antibacterial activity, agar well diffusion