Aquaculture Studies
2012, Vol 12, Num, 4 (Pages: 027-043)
A preliminary investigation on the state of Turkish fishing fleet of anchovy along north eastern Black Sea (Georgia, Abkhazia) coasts
Mustafa ZENGİN 1 ,Yaşar GENÇ 1 ,Orhan Ak 1
1 Trabzon Su Ürünleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Trabzon
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The background of anchovy fishery of Turkish fleet along Caucasian coasts traces to the mid of 1990s. The anchovy fishery
along Georgia coasts is conducted by the personal relationships of local initiatives from both countries and in most cases
illegally. No data is available regarding the anchovy catch of Turkish fleet in this period. By 2000, the Government of Georgia as
one-sided started to manage the fishery along its own national waters. In this new duration, the rights of fishery were delivered
to private companies in Georgia. In the fishing period of 2011/2012, the anchovy landing was approximately 46 thousand tons
in Abkhazia and Georgia. Of the total catch, 10 thousand tons were transferred to Turkey for fresh sale. The rest of catch -34.4
thousand tons in Abkhazia and 2.8 thousand tons in Georgia- were submitted as raw material to fish oil plants operated by
Turkish entrepreneurs. The fishing of anchovy in Abkhazia and Georgia by the Turkish fleet is a convenient strategy for our
national interests. The configuration of this opportunity in order to gain mutual benefits between two countries will be an
important step for long-term projections. The cross border fishery specifications with contiguous countries should be handled
by means of commercial and juridical legislations in order to provide a beneficial and productive fishery for Turkish fisherman
in eastern Black Sea. Furthermore, it is essential to realize a 'regional monitoring program' with Black Sea neighbouring
countries to procure the sustainability of anchovy stock and to develop political, technique and economic collaboration from the
point of national interests.
Keywords :
anchovy fishery, Black Sea, Abkhazia and Georgia