Aquaculture Studies
2017, Vol 17, Num, 1 (Pages: 041-057)
The Current Status of Gibel Carp and Sand Smelt in Turkey`s Inland Fisheries
M. Altuğ ATALAY 1 ,Şerife Gülsün KIRANKAYA 2 , F. Güler EKMEKÇİ 3
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Turkey has potentially important inland fisheries, with extensive freshwater resources. Although the freshwater ichthyofauna in Turkey is very rich, with about 340 species, inland fisheries depend primarily on 4 species, of which 2 are indigenous (tarek-Alburnus tarichi, carp-Cyprinus carpio), 1 is non-indigenous (gibel carp-Carassius gibelio) and 1 is a translocated marine fish (sand smelt-Atherina boyeri) , accounting for 78% of the entire catch. Both gibel carp and sand smelt species have been considered invasive species in Turkey, although they are of increasing commercial importance. Currently, the yield of sand smelt and gibel carp are increasing, whereas the yield of carp and tarek are decreasing sharply; however, demand for carp and its economic value are higher in local markets and the contribution of carp to the inland fishery economy (37%) is higher than that of both sand smelt (4%) and gibel carp (4%). Neither gibel carp nor sand smelt are consumed locally, and both species are exported to other countries. Hence, some suggest these 2 species have adverse effects on Turkey`s ecosystem and fisheries. In order to ensure a sustainable inland fishery and to obtain a thorough understanding of the ecological interactions there is an urgent need to fill the data gap related to the ecological, fishery, and socioeconomic structures in an exploited system.
Keywords :
Atherina boyeri; Carassius gibelio; Alburnus tarichi; Cyprinus carpio; alien species