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Aquaculture Studies 2017, Vol 17, Num, 1     (Pages: 005-016)

Relationship Between Climate Change Driven Sea Surface Temperature, Chl-a Density and Distribution of Giant Devil Ray (Mobula Mobular Bonnaterre, 1788) In Eastern Mediterranean: A First Schooling By-Catch Record Off Turkish Coasts

Abdulla SAKALLI 1

DOI : 10.17693/yunusae.v17i26557.280070 Viewed : 3558 - Downloaded : 1860 Every ecosystem of the Earth is influenced by altering of physical and chemical composition of the Earth`s atmosphere. Climate and thus sea surface temperature changes in the marine ecosystems affects particularly the vulnerable and endangered species and their distribution areas. Possible climate change effect on one of the most endangered and endemic ray species i.e. Mobula mobular`s migration in the Mediterranean Sea. The migration of the species was probably forced due to warming of the sea temperature of their native environment in winter time. The warming of the Adriatic Sea affects, changes and shifts the primary production. This could also force the rays to find new feeding regions in the Mediterranean Sea. From 2003 to 2015, sea surface temperature in the Mediterranean Sea has averagely an increase about 1.5 ºC, however, the increase of the temperature in JFM (January, February, March) was much greater (about 2.5 ºC). This prefigure a reason for migration e.g. especially the low temperature tolerant species. The climate change impacts on ray`s migration and also the correlation between Chl-a concentration in Mediterranean have to deeply investigate. This could answer more questions about the ecological behavior of the rays under climate change in the future. Keywords : Climate change,sea surface temperature,remote sensing,ecology,Devil ray,fish migration