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Aquaculture Studies 2016, Vol 16, Num, 4     (Pages: 311-320)

Otolith Morphometry and Shape Analysis of Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus, L. 1758) living in Different Regions Black Sea: Ukraine and Türkiye (Rize, Samsun)

Nimet Selda BAŞÇINAR 1 , Elvan ATILGAN 2

DOI : 10.17693/yunusae.v16i26717.281030 Viewed : 2689 - Downloaded : 2107 In this study otoliths obtained from anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus) caught from different regions in Black Sea; Ukraine and Türkiye (Rize and Samsun), were used for otolith shape analysis in 2012-2013 fishing season. It was figure out maximum otolit length (LO, mm), otolith width (OW, mm), area (A, mm2), perimeter (P, mm) measurements for morphometric analysis. At the end of the measurements, Form factor (FF) values were calculated for Ukraine, Rize and Samsun as 0.61≤FF≤0.76, 0.63≤FF≤0.75 and 0.61≤FF≤0.75 respectively. Roundness (RD) value varies for Ukraine, Rize and Samsun as 1.23≤RD<1.53, 1.26 Keywords : Anchovy,Engraulis encrasicolus,otolith shape analysis,RD,AR,FF