Aquaculture Studies
2015, Vol 15, Num, 3 (Pages: 003-011)
Fatty Acid Content of Cyclops Vicinus in Bingöl Floating Islands
Nurgül ÖZDEMİR 1 , Fatma CAF 2
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Cyclops vicinus was collected from Bingöl Floating Islands. It was determined 15 fatty acids in C. vicinus. Percentage of the total unsaturated fatty acids was (ΣUSFA) 54.97 % , percentage of the total saturated fatty acids (ΣSF A) was 45.03 %. the principal saturated fatty acids were palmitic acid (16:0) (11.80 %). decosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6 n-3) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 20:5 n-3) were the major unsaturated fatty acids (11.41 %, 10.37 %, respectively). It was determined that n-3/n-6 (Omega-3/Omega-6) ratio which used comparing the quality of aquatic organisms was 5.03. These values and unsaturated fatty acids content was high in Cyclops vicinus. Therefore Cyclops vicinus can use as live food in planktivorous fish, in term of both rich nutrient content and increase the survival rate of fish, contributing such events hatching, reproductive. In addition, fish in freshwater ecosystems where C. vicinus is abundant, can be consume as a valuable food source.
Keywords :
Fatty acid,DHA,EPA