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Aquaculture Studies
Effect of Hazelnut Meal on Angel Fish (Pterophyllum salare) Juveniles Growth Performance and Survival Rate Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles How to Cite The Effects of the Carvacrol and Thymol Addition to Pangasius Hypophthalmus Feeds in Different Amount on the Growth Performance Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles How to Cite Perceptions of Aquaculture Sector Stakeholders Regarding Climate Change Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Investigation of aquatic products mechanization aspects of aquaculture facilities in Karkamıs Dam Lake Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The physicochemical Property of The Extruded Trout Feeds of The Leading Domestic Manufacturer in Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles How to Cite The Effects of Size Grading on Growth Performance of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Floating Cage Condition Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles How to Cite The Effect of Grape Molasses as an Extender on Motility, Viability and Fertility in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W., 1792) Sperm Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles How to Cite Investigation of structural and biotechnical aspects of trout farms in Karkamış Dam Lake Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles How to Cite Effect of A Probiotic Product, Promarine on Growth Responses of Indian White Prawn, Penaeus (Fenneropenaeus) Indicus Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Importance of Arachidonic Acid in Fish Nutrition Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) and Risk Assessment Application in Aquaculture Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Structural and Economic Analysis of Trout Breeding Farms in Elazýð Province Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Usage Of Automation in Fish Feeding Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Occupational Health and Safety Management System and Floating Fish Cage Production Facilities Occupational Health and Safety Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Molecular Genetic Markers for Fish Diseases and Their Usage Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Use of The Greenhouse System in Aquaculture Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Importance of Fatty Acids in Nutrition of Sturgeons Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Rotary Drum Filter Effectiveness in Suspended Solids Removal from Trout Farm Discharges - A Case Report Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Comparision of Copper Alloy Mesh with Conventional Nylon Nets in Offshore Cage Farming of Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite A Prelimnary Survey on Perception of Turkish Aquaculture Stakeholders on Climate Change-Aquaculture Interactions Preliminary Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Effects of dietary orange peel on growth performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Effects of feed type and feeding frequency on growth performance, reproductive efficiency and skin coloration of auratus cichlids (Melanochromis auratus) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Analysis of Fish Health Status in Terms of Sustainability of Aquaculture in Turkey-A SWOT Analysis Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Analysis of Practice of Cage Aquaculture System in TohoTodougba Lagoon, Southern Benin (West Africa) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Analysis of Fish Health Status in Terms of Sustainability of Aquaculture in Turkey-A SWOT Analysis Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Market Linkages and Distribution Channels of Cultured, Captured and Imported Fish in Kenya Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Characterization of Nematode Infestation on Parachanna obscura (Gunther, 1861) (Channidae) and Infection in the Blood Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Maximizing Efficiency and Sustainability of Aquatic Food Production from Aquaponics Systems - A Critical Review of Challenges and Solution Options Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Cultural Energy Use and Energy Use Efficiency of a Small-Scale Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792) Cage Farm in the Inland Waters of Turkey: A Case Study from Karacaören-I Dam Lake Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Management Strategies for Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Hatchery in the Face of Climate Change Induced Rising Temperature Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Effects of Feeding Strategies on Growth Performance and Economic Returns on the Production of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Fertilized Ponds Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Analysis of Aquaponic-Recirculation Aquaculture System (A - Ras) Application in the Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Aquaculture in Indonesia Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Inland Aquaculture and Fish Health Management: A Case Study of Sylhet District in Bangladesh Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite A Method to Increase the Viability of Cyprinus Carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) Stocking of the Aquatories Under the Influence Advanced Biotechnologies Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Black Sea Aquaculture: Legacy, Challenges & Future Opportunities Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Effect of Cassava Starch Sources on Growth and Feed Utilization of Nile Tilapia Fingerlings (Oreochromis niloticus ) Reared Under Two Dietary Protein Levels Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Utilization of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens Linnaeus) Larvae as a Protein Source for Fish Feed – a Review Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Target Market Selection for the Major Aquaculture Products of Turkey - An Evaluation on Export Markets by Hybrid Multi-criteria Decision-making Approach Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Assessment of the Effect of Catosal on the Stimulation of Ovogenesis in Sterlet During Pre-spawning Period Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite An Extensive Review on the Use of Feed Additives Against Fish Diseases and Improvement of Health Status of Fish in Turkish Aquaculture Sector Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite An Extensive Review on the Use of Feed Additives Against Fish Diseases and Improvement of Health Status of Fish in Turkish Aquaculture Sector Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Effect of Varying Discharge Rate on the Performance of Venturi Aeration System Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Evaluation of Growth, Haematological, Biochemical and Oxidative Stress Parameters of Clarias gariepinus Fed with Alstonia boonei and Mitracarpus scaber Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite On-Farm Assessment of Different Fingerling Sizes of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) on Growth Performance, Survival and Yield Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Numerical Investigation of the Impact of Onshore Fish Farming on the Western Coast of Algeria Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite An Assessment of the Impacts of Biosecurity Measures on Mortality of Fish from Fish Farms Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Preliminary Safety Assessment of Potential Aquaculture Feed Additives Lactiplantibacillus plantarum BCCa32 and BCCa36 Using Zebrafish Larvae as a Model Organism Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Development of a Sustainable Polyculture Technique Using Asian Watergrass as Fish Feed in the Southern Coastal Region of Bangladesh Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Efficacy of Oxolinic Acid Against Aeromonas hydrophila Infection in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Juveniles Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Productivity of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) in an Integrated Aquaculture System Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Dawadawa and Kantong Additives Improve the Growth and Health of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Isolation, Identification, and Biofloc Production: Potential of Floc-Forming Bacteria Using a Novel Monoculture Approach and Medium Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Zootechnical Performance, Protease Activity and Proximate Composition of Nile Tilapia Fed Diets Containing Fish Silage Produced from Fish Waste Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite